Gambling Problem Disclaimer

Posted on  by admin
Well i have struggled with gambling for about 12 years now.

People with gambling addiction may be more likely than others to think about or attempt suicide. Why do people keep gambling? Many factors may increase a person's chances of developing problems with gambling. Sometimes people find that other issues they are experiencing in their lives are the tipping point and they turn to gambling to escape.

Problem and pathological gambling have a large negative economic and psychological impact on individuals and families (Gerstein et al., 1999).Pathological gambling has been associated with a variety of psychiatric and substance use disorders (Cunningham-Williams et al., 1998; Lesieur et al., 1986; Ramirez et al., 1983; Slutske et al., 2000; Slutske et al., 2001). In extreme cases, problem gambling can result in serious legal problems or financial ruin. More than 20% of compulsive gamblers end up filing for bankruptcy because of gambling losses. The personal damage is also great: the divorce rate for problem gamblers is twice the rate of non-gamblers, and 1 in 5 addicted gamblers attempt suicide – 20. Mission: To reduce the negative effects of gambling in Lane County communities through coordinating effective prevention strategies. Our program history Lane County formed its problem gambling (or “disordered gambling”) prevention program in January 2002. Since then, we have been called upon regionally, nationally and internationally for our resources and innovative prevention approaches.

Gambling problem disclaimer meaning
dont even know where to start or what to say....
Started out with slots 12 years ago, it got worse and worse and worse.
used to be couple hundred off paychecks, then whole paychecks
then borrowing money to gamble

Gambling Problem Disclaimer Regarding

likely down somewhere around 35 to 40,000 dollars since then.
I won a couple times , 1000 here, couple hundred there, maybe another 1000 over there
put it all back and then more. you know how it goes the win sucks you in
then won 10,000 last year online slots...paid some debt off and oh boy that suckered me in big time
well now i got a visa maxed out at 10,000 and a mastercard at 6000 with 20% interest. lol
all on gambling, never mind the money off pay cheques ..
even when i win i never cash out and stop, even when big amounts like 5000 or 8000
i just up my bets and lose it all
like i always do... greedy want more i guess,
Not even all that crazy about money, like when i have it, i gamble
when i dont have it i still gamble ... what the heck??
sometimes i think i am addicted to the losing not the winning...

Gambling Problem Disclaimer Examples

i have a kid coming in one month. i have been laid off work,
i have ruined my life and hurt those around me and now my unborn child and my wife will have to
suffer too. I AM THE BIGGEST LOSER.. there is no way back...
i feel suicide the best, although i dont even have life insurance.

Gambling Problem Disclaimer Definition

I always say i will stop... never do..

Gambling Problem Disclaimer Download

i dont get it.,. i dont understand it.. i want to stop... i really do... why cant i
im not stupid, i used to shake my head at people like me wasting there money.,

Gambling Problem Disclaimer For Real

WHY CANT I STOP. I am so weak of a person i guess..
I HAVE TO JUST STOP no one will or can make me stop but me... I understand this.. but i just cant freaking stop!!! it just dont make sense..

Information Disclaimer
Information on this Website is only intended as a general summary information that is now available on this Website and already made available to the public through many internet sites. It is not intended to provide specific professional or medical advice or to take the place of either the written law or regulations. These information resources are designed to help users better understand gambling as an addiction, what it takes in recovery, health and other services that are available, and research material that could be of value to the reader. Individuals are urged to consult with qualified health care providers, professional counsellors and other professional resources for diagnosis and treatment and for answers to personal health care questions that are associated with problem gambling. Although this site does not endorse gambling of any kind, Problem Gambling Guide also does not wish to appear to be fully against something that is generally and legally available throughout most of the world.
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Page last updated:
27th October 2011