Poker Odds Calculator Online

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How the poker calculator works

You will improve it on the turn: 8.2=16% and real poker odds are around 17%; You have two over cards on the turn with 6 outs. You will improve it on the turn: 6.2=12% and real poker odds are around 13%; You have a gutshot straight draw with 4 outs. You will improve it on the turn: 4.2=8% and real poker odds are around 9%. Holdem Indicator does its job well, calculating odds, making simple plays obvious, and tracking statistics on opponents. This is probably our favorite odds calculator primarily because it isn't just an odds calculator. Holdem Indicator does everything! Holdem Indicator Full Review. Hold'em Indicator is one of our favorite poker odds calculators. This free online poker odds calculator and analyzer helps you to calculate your hand's winning odds, evaluate possible opponents hands you could lose to and tell you how much to bet optimally. Gain an edge by using our calculator while you are playing online Texas Hold'em. We include the following features: Your winning chance (or equity) Average opponent's probability of winning.

The Grosvenor Casinos Poker Calculator works by using what’s known as a “Monte Carlo” algorithm. This algorithm estimates the percentage of making a hand in Texas Hold’em by simulating what would or could happen had the hand been played out multiple times. The calculator runs all the possible outcomes of the hand from the point at which the player is on the board until it hits a limit of 12,500 simulations.

Why 12,500?

To ensure a perfectly accurate percentage each time, one would need to run hundreds of thousands of simulations, which would cause the calculator to run much slower – especially where there are no board cards. Instead, we have chosen to impose a limit of 12,500 possible outcomes, which means the calculator is within 1.5% accuracy of the displayed percentages. For calculations that have less than 12,500 outcomes (when the hand progresses further) the calculation is more accurate. To ensure the tool calculates hand percentages as quickly as possible, the calculations run on a separate server – as opposed to the individual’s computer.

A poker calculator works out the odds of you winning a hand in any given situation. It can, in some circumstances, be used while you play, but they're particularly good for revisiting old hands so you can learn from your mistakes.

You tell the calculator what hand you're holding, in what position, and what your opponent has. Then, you select from a bank of playing cards to decide the flop, turn and river, and the calculator will display the changing odds of the hand on-screen.

Use a Poker Calculator For:
  • Texas Hold'em
  • 7-card Stud Hi/Hi-Lo
  • Omaha Hi/Hi-Lo
  • Razz

First, select your game, whether it's Hold'em, Omaha or Stud. Input your own hole cards and the cards of your opponent or opponents, and then hit the 'Calculate Odds' button. You can reset the board any time.

Now, it's possible to work out whether it was right to chase that flush draw, whether calling with trips on the flop when your opponent needed four outs to a flush was smart, or whether you're really learning from the game at all.

Effectively, the calculator takes a few things into consideration:
You know how many cards are left in the deck, and how many have been dealt out/burned. You also know your outs (cards in the deck that can improve your hand) and what those particular outs are.

Poker Calculator In Action

Game: No Limit Texas Hold'em
Players: 2
You: Jd 10d
Opponent: Ad Jh
Board: 10c 8d 9h Jc


Poker Odds Calculator Online

In a big hand you played online, you're sitting with J-10 suited and find an aggressive opponent behind you. From the history you see he held Ad Jh.

After a raise and call, the flop comes 10c 8d 9h. With top-pair you hit the 'Calculate Odds' button and see that you have a 90.81 percent chance of winning the hand after the flop.

You bet, and with an open-ended straight draw the opponent calls. The turn comes a Jack, giving you two-pair but also potentially completing your opponent's straight. Hitting the 'Calculate Odds' sees your win chances reduce to 74.94 percent.

Now you're a little more cautious. You lead out again, and your opponent calls. The river comes a meaningless 2d and you win the hand with two-pair. However, even with the clubs on the board and the straight draw, you're still almost a 75 percent shot to win the hand.

A poker odds calculator is great for helping you with decisions at every stage of the hand. Better, odds calculators are free, so you can visit a site and utilize this bit of kit without spending a cent.

Omaha Poker Odds Calculator Online

Poker calculators can be good too if you're watching poker on TV. Watch two seasoned pros going head-to-head and input their hands into your calculator as you watch. Then you can see the thought processes going through these players' minds as the odds fluctuate.

Improving Your Study Further

While a poker odds calculator can help you make the correct decision depending on your hand and the board, as well as factoring in the number of opponents, that's just the start.

To really improve your game, you need to get some tracking software. For cash players, that means a Heads-up Display like PokerTracker or Holdem Manager, which let you take really detailed notes on regular opponents so you can beat them the next time you meet.

Poker Odds Calculator Online

Online Poker Odds Calculator Free

For Sit 'n' Go players, consider a cool piece of kit called 'SitNGo Wizard' that lets you store stats on your past online SNGs. It's also great for going back over old tournaments and advising on moves you should have made during a typical game.